

Tell me Zoe and I wouldn't look sweet cruisin' down the boulevard on this 1999 Yamaha Riva Razz scooter. That dream became a potential reality when I stumbled upon this raffle ticket in a bar (well... the bar) in Luther, Mich:
Actually, Zoe nor I are holding our breath waiting for a call saying we've won since I returned from my little kayak trip on the Pine River.

"If they draw my ticket and see that I'm an out-of-towner, there's not a chance in hell I'm going to win is there?" I asked the bartender/ticket taker.

"Probably not," she admitted, as she plopped the absolute worst Philly cheesesteak sandwich I've ever eaten in front of me.

Oh well. I just got $2 worth of humor out of it.


Anonymous said...

I think I would be particularly interestd in that chainsaw.

Trapper Dan

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

I thought the chainsaw sounded more interesting myself... course w/ the family we come from you probably shouldn't be using one.

Anonymous said...

If there is no fine print disclaimer at the bottom that states "You must be present to win." I suggest your chances are just as good as those of other ticket-holding Lutherites/Lutherans/Lutherians...
Good luck from Crooked Lake Lane.

Anonymous said...

I say take the cash and run!!!!!!
Zoe's Busia

Anonymous said...

I agree....chainsaw would be much sweeter!


Anonymous said...

two things-------i remember well when lawrence duchane won a raffle in the CITY DAIRY-----go figure (and forget your ticket investment). for those who won't remember----lawrence duchane was a good good friend of uncle norman.

second-----always go to the source-----so a PHILLIE CHEESTEAK in northern michigan----probably is about as good an investment as the lottery ticket.

Anonymous said...

"the dream that became a potential reality" the kind of cautious optimism that flies in the face of the family's traditional skepticism. you do know that if you are notified that you have won, someone will show up at the door on dexter road with a sign that says, "you've been PUNKED".

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute...if the bike is a 1999, you better check what year the chainsaw is....what's it a '97 Dolmar???? Doesn't Luther realize it's 2006?


Anonymous said...

7/2 today is uncle dan / aunt jeannine's 40th anniversary AND it is drawing day at millpond park.

better get your motor runnin' and your helmet ready.