

Zoe had a blast this weekend, thanks to a visit from her Aunt Shane, Uncle Bill and cousins Alix and Danni. Here are some highlights...

We started the weekend with lunch. Zoe was particulary thrilled with this red balloon a nice waitress tied to her highchair. Either that or she was thinking about the scene in Office Space when the TGIF manager explains to Jennifer Anniston's character she must have at least 23 pieces of flare on her uniform. That movie always cracks her up. Excuse me, I think you have my stapler.

After filling up on a jar of baby food, some veggie puffs and a few bites of cheesy mashed potatoes, we were off to the Hands-On Museum. Zoe thought this tornado machine was cool. Though in this picture, she's more interestd in the kids just outside of the frame.

She took a liking to this rock in the fossil exhibit, too. Mainly because it served as a great prop to check out the über-cute baby in the mirror. Fossils, schmossils.

These gears kept her interest for a little while. She can't wait for Papa to return from Mexico so they can have an in-depth conversation about the gear ratio, differential and torque in a '64 Goat.

But Zoe's favorite exhibit, by far, was the play area. Completely padded and free of big kids, she could explore without trepidation... well, almost. She was a little leary of this tunnel at first.

But after a little coaxing from Aunt Shane, she managed to conquer her fear and combat crawl her way through.

She dug this ball. More on that later.

Here's another shot of her hanging in the play area. Not much to say about it, just a damn cute shot!

After a quick stroll through the gift shop, our tour of the Hands-On Museum was complete... but not before I picked up a little souvenir from our visit (remember the ball). I just had to get it for her since it makes her this happy.

And gets her do this, something our little laid-back baby needs more practice doing.

There were more meals and more fun for Zoe (a dip in a giant hotel tub, a walk through downtown and a her first taste of European chocolate - not a big hit). All in all, a great weekend. Thanks for the memories, Sheehans! Come back and see us again real soon!

Zoe's mama
Some copy editing and bad joke-insertion by Big Daddy

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