
Speaking of Bubblewrap...

Zoe must have lost her mind when Rich opened the package. I wish I was home to see it. The replacement mini-fridge I ordered was packaged in (you guessed it) bubblewrap. Yards and yards of the stuff. So much that once completely unpacked, she piled it in the empty box and spent half the day sitting on it (pop, pop, pop). She called it her bubble rocking chair. When I arrived home, bubblewrap was spread across the garage floor like a popping red carpet.

Unfortunately, her giddiness faded upon my arrival because she knew it was time to head to the doctor for her flu shot. We scheduled it along with Mitchell and Alyse's six-month check-up to get all the shots out of the way at once.

Everything went fine with the check-ups. Mitchell is 27 inches and 14 lbs. 15 1/2 oz. putting him in the 75th percentile for height and the 10th for weight. Teething, a double-ear infection and strep throat took a tole on the little guy's eating habits for the past few weeks, but his middle of the night feedings should catch him back up pretty quickly (lucky us).

Alyse was also 27 inches and tipped the scales at 13 lbs. 12 1/2 oz. putting her in the 90th percentile for height and the 25th for weight. Looks like her love of any kind of solid food we put in front of her is adding more length than girth. If only it worked out that way for the rest of us.

Now it was time for the shot portion of our visit. Hey, anyone seen Zoe? Once the doctor left the room and Zoe knew the nurse would return with sharp things, she disappeared under a bench. Rich had to get down on the ground and pull her out, kicking and screaming (Zoe, not Rich). Lucky for us and Zoe, the nurse administering the misery was a seasoned pro and distracted Zoe with the ol', you-tell-me-when-you're-ready-for-your-shot trick and it was over before Zoe realized it was then that she was supposed to scream ... though more wails came later when Rich took away her graham cracker for refusing to say thank you.

One down, two to go. Mitchell and Alyse had six vaccinations this time around. Thank goodness some chemist had the foresight to combine three of them into one shot, so that meant only three shots and one viscous drink later (two times over) and we were finished.

The best part...we get to repeat this (though abbreviated) in a month. All three kids need a second flu shot. Fun stuff!

The one immediate benefit to all of this...

Three sleeping kids and time to write a quick blog.

Take Care,
ZMA's mama

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