
Sickness All Around

I took the morning off to take Zoe to her third day of preschool, so I thought I'd take a minute for an update.

Thursday brought us our first trip to the ER with one of the twins. Alyse developed a strange rash on her lower leg that we later found out was called Petechiae (Pinpoint, unraised, round red spots under the skin caused by bleeding) and should never be taken lightly. After a trip to her doctor, a blood draw at St. Joe's and the subsequent spread of the rash, we were off to U of M Motts. Many, many hours later, Alyse pretty much stumped the docs. They said that the rash usually accompanies some major illnesses, but Alyse was asymptomatic. She received some intravenous antibiotics and was released. They're guessing it was a virus. Earlier in the week, she was a little fussy one night, but never had a fever or any other symptoms that would have told us she was really ill. The rash is now pretty much gone, but she sure gave us a good scare.

If it was just a virus, it may be the culprit of some pretty cranky, tired siblings. Zoe and Mitchell are being kicked in the butt by a nasty cold. Zoe is on the tail end, but she's still pretty tired. After putting Mitchell to bed on Saturday night, I walked down to find this...

Zoe had zonked out eating dinner.

With everyone on the mend, I had some happy babies greet me this morning. Here's a couple shots from our morning play time.

That's all for now.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Anonymous said...

I love the pic of the twins on their bellies! And awww to Zoe sleeping! So glad everyone is getting better, one sick baby is bad enough but 3 really SUCKS!
Love from; Aunt Shawnie

Anonymous said...

Very happy to hear that Alyse is much better and that the other two are also on the mend.
Pictures are just great. Twins are such cuties. Preschool must really tire out Zoe.

Crooked Lk Ln