
Lonely in AA

It's been a strangely quiet, and annoyingly busy, weekend.

We met Busia in Flint on Friday afternoon and Zoe headed north for four (yes, FOUR) days and three (yes, THREE) nights on Dodson Court. We discovered that four days and three nights is too long for us. For Zoe... it's just fine.

Let's back up. Back to Flint. Hill Road exit, McDonald's parking. After securing the baby seat in the back of Busia's car and buckling Zoe in, I was leaning in the the back door saying goodbye and giving some last-second instructions. That's when Zoe says, "Shut the door, Daddy. We're going bye-bye." Ummm. OK. See ya.

We called Saturday. "Can I talk to her?" (muffled) Busia: "Zoe, Daddy's on the phone. Do you want to talk to him?" Zoe: "No."

Sonja called Sunday morning. Same treatment. I called Sunday afternoon. Same treatment. Hmmpff!

So Zoe is apparently having a good time with Busia and Dziadzia, which we're thankful for (but not surprised). And we're thankful we were able to go out (a Saturday night "couples shower" -- which was fun, but not nearly as titilating as the title suggests) and get lots of work done, too.

Our house goes on the market this week, so we spent much of the weekend cleaning, packing "clutter" (some of what real estate agents consider "clutter" is what we consider treasured items) into a storage unit, and buying supplies for the handyman that's going to make some minor improvements.

Zoe's not going to be thrilled with us... her toy collection was severely consolidated. And the little kitchen that she loves (thanks, Marissa!) is now in her bedroom. Making a pretend dinner while mom or dad are really making dinner will now be a long-distance affair.

Oh well. She'll deal... and it'll all pay off when she has more space, and room for her (pick one: A. brother and sister, B. brothers, C. sisters) too.


Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Wait a sec, where did Sonja find a handyman responsible for the "minor improvements?"

I get the same treatment... had the kids to their Busia/Dziadzia's this weekend, and I wanted to stay for a few minutes to watch Michigan Replay. Several times I got "when are you leaving?" or "why aren't you going yet?" which really meant "Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!"

Anonymous said...

Must be something in the genes as Becca completely dissed her momma and dad when they got back from a weekend wedding in Wisconsin.

"I want Bushie's house!" I want go to Auntie's!!"

I fear Busia, Dziadz, and Auntie Jen, with Danielle showed her way too much fun Saturday!!

Anonymous said...

I preffer a.

Anonymous said...

Those days of being the most important are now long gone - Busia and Dziadzia take over for a few years now! :) (Nice to know it wasn't just Mark and I that went through that.) Good luck with the house on the market - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it will sell quickly.