

Zoe has been fortunate enough to have some great visitors lately. Saturday, she spent an afternoon at the park...
... with this little doll, Lily.

Lily's mom, Dani, and I walked the girls to the park fully expecting some great photo ops with the girls together. It just didn't happen (unless you want to count the one above... can you find Zoe perched high in the background?). We settled for some great solo shots.
There is this picture of them sitting in close proximity in the kitchen, but it lacks the look we were going for (since annoyed wasn't exactly it). We'll try again soon!

Today, we had more visitors. I finally got to meet my friend Julie's little girl, Anna. Julie returned from China with Anna just six weeks ago and it's already apparent they were simply meant to be together. Here's a great picture of mom and daughter.

Again, I attempted to get some pictures of the girls together...

... but gave up pretty early in the game and just went after some cute shots of Anna. Gotta love those pigtails!

Stay tuned for what should be a monster post next week. The annual reunion of Daddy's family is quickly approaching and we WILL get some group photos.

Take care,
Zoe's mama


Anonymous said...

Those are some great pictures. The year certainly has gone by fast.I can't believe Lily is walking already and will be celebrating her 1st birthday very soon. Julie's little girl Anna is just beautiful. Congratulations Julie.

Zoe's Busia

Anonymous said...

What BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN! All of the girls are sososososo sute! Congratulations to JULIE, Anna is SO lucky to have you!!!!

Anonymous said...

HEY typo in the above! They are CUTE not sute!!!!! Shawn

sarahkate said...

Thanks Shawn and Busia. Anna is such a funny, curious and all around wonderful little girl that I know I'm the lucky one to have found her.

Julie Anne