
Seconds and Firsts

It's been an exciting few days. Sunday, Zoe got the second haircut of her life. Her bangs were out of control, so we headed back to Cookie Cutters with a coupon and high hopes that Zoe would actually enjoy this visit. We even did a little prep work by watching the Elmo episode that shows a little boy getting his haircut at the barbers. I said, "That's what we're going to do today!" To which Zoe replied, "YEAH!" while clapping enthusiastically.

I was even encouraged by her attitude when we arrived at the salon. She seemed to remember the play structure and toys and even walked over to the pink car that I had put her in after her last haircut. She loved that Elmo was on the TV screen, too. She wasn't thrilled, however, when the stylist put a cape on her and started to spray down her hair. She must have said, "All done!" a million times during the cut and thrust her bottom lip out so far that she got a mouthful of hair.

It was over fast enough and then, like last time, she didn't want to leave. She played on the structure and checked out every inch of the place. I must say, the last stylist had a bit more flair with the scissors. I think I could have done as good of a job cutting her hair. Still, I wouldn't risk it for fear of poking an eye out (It's all fun and games until...).

Sorry, no pictures from the salon this time. She does show off her new style in the pictures below though.

Monday was her first visit to the dentist. I was concerned with a front tooth that looked chipped, so I made the appointment at the recommendation of Zoe's pediatrician. Zoe loved the waiting room toys.

She was even more happy with the fact that Daddy walked through the door soon after we arrived. She was on her best behavior as she read a book while we waited.

Then the dentist called her name. The caption of this picture should probably read, "Oh, shit!"

She walked hesitantly into his office while clutching Daddy's hand. The dentist had her pick out a toothbrush and asked Rich to put her on his lap. At this point, she was thinking it was all pretty cool. She loves toothbrushes! However, as soon as she knew of his intention to actually touch her, the tears started to flow. We got to hear, "All done!" another million times.
The dentist did a quick brushing and checked her bite. He also checked the chipped tooth, which he said was superficial and shouldn't cause any pain (I still have no idea how she managed that one). Here's the 'after' shot with her clutching her toothbrush and wearing a set of green beads she got to pick out. Now she has a real bracelet that has replaced her teether as the 'it' accessory of the season.


Emily and Zachary's mom said...

LOVE the bracelet (and the stories and pics of course.) I noticed it right away (as I look at pics before reading text). Does she actually keep it on? I can't get Emily to leave one on her wrist.

Anonymous said...