


The bunny costume made its triumphant return today... for a party at daycare and at home later in the evening. Here's Zoe on our front porch, waiting to share raisins and milk with trick-or-treaters:

And taking a little time to play in the leaves:

Halloween was a little uneventful, overall. We knew Zoe wouldn't yell "trick-or-treat" or really have any concept of what the hell was going on. And she won't eat the candy (although she has taken a liking to the left over Twix bars we have in the house). So we (Sonja and I, that is) figured any Halloween escapades would be strictly to entertain ourselves. Not that we're above that... we use this kid for our own entertainment every day.

We thought about stopping by some of Sonja's friends houses... but some weren't going to be home and others have children at home, which we avoided because Zoe is just getting over a case of strep throat. So then I figured I would take her down our street this evening because we have two new neighbors that we haven't taken the effort to meet... this would be the perfect opportunity. Alas, neither of them had their light on.

So, Zoe didn't trick-or-treat. We hung out on the porch for about a half hour waiting for some other kids to show up, but none did. About an hour later, with Zoe out of her bunny costume and playing in the living room, the first pack of kids showed up. They were older kids, all dressed in scary costumes. Zombies, witches, that sort of thing.

Zoe watched over an end table as Sonja dropped candy in the kids' bags. After she shut the door, Zoe looked puzzled before finally shaking her head and saying "No."

"You don't like the trick-or-treaters?" Sonja asked. "No."

"Maybe the next one will be a pretty and you'll like her," Sonja said. "No."

The next trick-or-treater was, indeed, a princess. Zoe wasn't impressed. I think she just didn't like the concept of strangers showing up on her doorstep, interrupting Elmo's World and getting a handful of the mini-Twix bars that she had just started to enjoy.

Oh well, maybe next year. At least we have Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up... I'm sure she'll be much more involved in those holidays.

Here's a couple more pictures that have no relevance to the Halloween post, other than they were on the digital camera when I downloaded the bunny shots. They're pretty darn cute, so I thought I'd share.

Here we are on an errand-running mission on Sunday:

And here she is in daddy's hat Saturday after the football game:

Hope you all had a great Halloween.


Anonymous said...

Her Busia and Dziadza's porch light was on. Sat with a can of greenbeans and a box of frozen peas. Didn't see any pink bunnies hopping around out there. Sigh............

Anonymous said...

Does she still suck on the chocolate and cookie part of the Twix bar and then spit out the caramel? She's wasting the best part!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a girl that has her priorities in place. You go Zoe! Don't let anyone snag your Twix!! It's chocolate, it's cookie, it's caramel....it's delicious!!

Cobbler Ct.